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Suite 9B, 818 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why, NSW 2099
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(02) 9905 3660
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Unit 3/2 Delmar Parade Dee Why NSW 2099
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Dr Harminder Sian

February 20, 2024

Dr Harminder Sian, or Min as he prefers to be called, was born in sunny Leeds, Yorkshire during the Swinging Sixties. The youngest of eight children, Min was never short of hand-me-downs! OfIndian parentage with a strong Kenyan influence, he has been blessed with a blend of the different cultures that have helped shape his life.

He graduated with a BDS in Dentistry from The University of Manchester in 1988 and worked inLondon for a couple of years before coming to his senses and migrating to Australia in 1991. Hisfirst position was as an associate dentist in the Blue Mountains, a beautiful introduction to life and work in his new homeland.

Dr Min bought Dental Design, then located on the corner of Lawrence and Oliver Streets in Harbord, in 1993. The practice relocated to Carlton Street in 2000 before finding its currenthome in Dee Why at the start of 2014.

Cutting-Edge, Person-First Cosmetic Dentistry

Dr Min's childhood fascination with “all things medical,” as he puts it, led to his career in dentistry. Growing up, he found himself captivated by the idea of helping people through healthcare. He wanted to pursue a profession that combined his passion for medicine and his interest in hands-on work. Dental surgery emerged as the perfect fit.

In addition to his formal education, Dr Min is committed to continuous professional development. He would travel to take intensive courses that merge theory and actual practice. For him, enhancing his skills, mastering new techniques and investing in high-tech equipment is an integral part of his craft. This has resulted in a modern, smooth-running practice where patients get the best care through advanced dental technologies and techniques.

His primary focus is aesthetic dentistry, particularly in procedures such as veneers and anterior composite restorations. He has been a registered Invisalign provider since 2006, and has extensive experience in dental implants, placing his first implant in 1999 and excelling in single-tooth replacements. Always at the forefront of innovation, he is an authority in and a registered provider of Invisalign and Spark aligner therapy.

A Holistic Approach to Dental Care

One of Dr Min's defining characteristics is his holistic approach to patient care. He firmlybelieves in treating the whole person, emphasising the profound connection between oral health and overall well-being.

His focus is on issue prevention and empowering patients to make better healthcare decisionsfor themselves. According to him, “This means educating the patient why they arrived at the current situation. Is it something with their diet? With their lifestyle? Is it something to do withother factors, such as medications taken for certain conditions? It's all about incorporating allthese other factors as well into the conversation that we have with the patient.”

This approach is key to understanding dental anxiety, which is a common hurdle for manypatients. Dr Min alleviates patients' fears by listening to their concerns, offering them control over their treatment decisions, and ensuring a non-judgmental environment. He finds it mostrewarding to see patients who were scared of the dentist start to gain confidence and commit to regular visits. “You’ve motivated them so much that they really want to care about theirhealth,” he says.

He added: “I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to to assess what's going on, give you the best advice and try to give you some motivation to move forward. What's most important is that wecan come up with a positive plan to move forward from here.”

Sleep Medicine: The Next Frontier

One domain that Dr Min is currently deepening his expertise in is sleep medicine. He recognises the negative impact issues like snoring, sleep apnoea or nocturnal grinding can have on sleep quality, and believes dentists can play a more pivotal role in helping their patients get better sleep.

“I'm a true believer that if you get a good night's sleep, you can handle anything during the day,”he says. “As we're progressing as a species, as humans, we're probably depriving ourselves of good night's sleep, and it's the one thing that's negatively impacting our health in many ways.”

A Life of Purpose and Service

Outside of his professional life, Dr Min cultivates a rich spiritual life. As a devout Sikh, he seeksto be of service to others and dedicates his time to volunteering at the temple and providingpro bono dental care to those in need. Meditation and yoga are part of his regular routine, as

well as keeping fit by going to the gym and playing hockey. He is also a dedicated pet owner, andcherises time spent with his dogs and beloved turtle.

Dr Min, in his role as a dentist, is a healer, a good listener and a dedicated advocate for hispatients' health and happiness. His whole-person approach allows him to combine expertisewith compassion and a genuine interest in his patients’ well-being, making him one of thecommunity’s most trusted dentists for the past few decades.

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